Before we jump into Email Marketing, let’s talk about Email!
Before you start email marketing, you’ll need an email address. This address is where your email is sent and where you can retrieve and view your messages. Your email address is a unique location which is connected to a client or a service. A client lives on a device as software. Webmail is a service and lives online.
Making your email easily accessible is really important. You want to be able to get your email on any of your devices from anywhere. I believe the best way to do this is with webmail, and I also believe the best place to set up your email is with Gmail because of the amazing third-party extensions and add-ons available.
Email Marketing
If you are just getting started with email marketing, there is nothing like just diving in!
AWeber is the best way to go. They’ve been doing it longer than anyone. I highly recommend them.
Try AWeber free for 30 days! – AWeber Communications
Why Email Marketing
The first thing anyone wanting to dip their foot into the world of email marketing must understand is that even though it appears easy enough, it isn’t easy at all. You must have a clear understanding of what you’re doing before you start throwing money around.
Email is hands-down the most effective way to engage with your audience. It offers a method to represent your brand and control your messaging while meeting the needs of your loyal customers and followers – your tribe!
Email has also been the cash cow of Internet Marketing from the webs’ earliest days. Master email marketing and you’ll never be penniless! Over the many years that I’ve been involved in the world of Internet Marketing, the one mantra that has always floated to the surface is this:
The money is in the list!
It’s cliche’ because it’s true, and it’s true now more than ever before.
AWeber is the best place to get going on your journey to email marketing success.